Laugh Enthusiast, Sweat Junkie, Leadership Coach and Inspirational Speaker.

My Purpose

Welcome to a space where transformation is not just a possibility but a promise—a promise to empower, educate, and encourage you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-leadership. I'm not just a self-leadership coach; I'm a teacher on a mission to empower, educate, and encourage you to discover your unique gifts and embrace your leader within.

This is not just a coaching program; it's an invitation to transform, to step into your true potential, and to lead a life that resonates with your vision and values. I want to help you reclaim your personal power and wholeness, just as I did.

My journey into self-leadership began later in life at the tender age of 28 when I stood at a crossroads of despair and transformation. Life, as I knew it, had crumbled with the shattering echoes of a divorce. It wasn't merely the end of a marriage; it was the dismantling of a life meticulously built upon the expectations of others. As a 2nd generation Korean American daughter raised in a Christian environment, I had been groomed my entire life to fulfill a singular role - that of a dutiful wife. As a girl, my dreams were more centered around the perfect husband rather than envisioning my own future and career goals. However, as the marriage dissolved, so did my sense of self. The failure weighed heavy on my shoulders, laden with shame and guilt because I had not only failed as a spouse but as a daughter and a woman navigating a complex web of expectations. Broken, jobless, and drowning in debt, I found myself facing the void left by the collapse of my world. But in the depths of the darkness, I found an opportunity for rebirth. This crisis forced me to confront my true self, triggering a journey of self-realization, responsibility, and resilience. The divorce became a catalyst for shedding the weight of other people’s expectations and embracing self-leadership.

My journey was not easy, but it was transformative. From the ashes of despair, I rose, crafting a vision aligned with my authentic self. I set powerful goals, and in the process, discovered my leader within which wasn't about becoming someone new; it was about unearthing the person I was created to be.

Now, a decade later, I stand before you as a self-leadership coach, having worked with hundreds of people from all walks of life. My purpose is crystal clear—to teach individuals that they possess the power to unlock their unique gifts and lead lives of purpose and authenticity. I believe we all have the capacity to lead, and the most important person we must lead every day is ourselves.

Imagine the power of discovering your gifts, aligning with your vision, and living life on your own terms. I've been there. I've rebuilt my life, found new love, and had my first baby at 40—a testament to the possibilities that unfold when you embrace your true self.

I am passionate about helping you unearth your own leader, to guide you in reclaiming your personal power and wholeness. Together, we will embark on a journey to uncover your gifts, allowing you to be the person you were created to be.

Join me on this journey of transformation, where the lessons of the past become can become the stepping stones to a future filled with purpose, power, and the true expression of your unique gifts. Your inner leader awaits – let's embark on this adventure together!

“The purpose in life is to find your gifts, the meaning of life is to give it away.” -Pablo Picasso

Ready to begin the journey of unlocking your potential?

Check out my signature offerings and see how we can work together.