Never Settle For Less Than You Can Be

I’m convinced that the way to get ahead is to do the small things with excellence.  It’s about striving for greatness in all that you do. Because the way you do anything is the way you do everything.  

Greatness is being in the relentless pursuit of growth and improvement.  People who go for great are the ones that know with certainty that they were made for more.  Leaders are these people. Without this desire for themselves and others, they cannot and will not inspire others to do more.  

Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something better.
— Gordon B. Hinckle

When I was 28, I hit rock bottom.  I was in an unhappy marriage, broke and hating myself.  During this dark season in my life, I cried almost every day.  I can remember my mom telling me that this was my destiny. That I just had to accept it.  I am not angry at my mom for saying this to me. She was trying to be helpful. And actually it was helpful.  That day, a fire was lit inside me. It started out as a tiny spark, but the idea that I was made for more was burning in my soul.  I knew that day that this was not my destiny and I needed to make a change.  

Change is hard.  It requires taking action and in order for me to take action, I needed to take personal responsibility for being where I was.  Up until that point, I was a blamer. Everything wrong in my life was someone else’s fault. I had to come to terms with the fact that actually everything wrong in my life was the sum of my bad decisions.  That was a hard pill to swallow. Especially since this had been a pattern of mine for the past 15 years. But when I finally got it - that I am responsible for my world and what I create - a whole new world opened up to me.  In this new world of responsibility - I have choice.  

  • I learned that I have the power to create who I want to be and how I want to show up.  

  • I learned that I don’t have to be a victim of my circumstances.  

  • I learned that I choose my perspective and that perspective creates my reality.

Leaders take responsibility for their world.  They understand that they create. They choose greatness for themselves and others because they know that we are all made for more.  

Mishelle Kost