Choose Wisely

Did you know that you that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day? That’s almost 2,000 choices every waking hour and 33 in a minute. We are almost always making choices. Whether we are aware of it or not.

One of the key principles to self leadership is to know that we live in choice. Moment to moment.

At all times and under all circumstances, we have the power to transform the quality of our lives. - Werner Erhard

When one begins to understand that we have a choice in the matter of life, we can begin to shift our perspective from a victim to a responsible leader.

A victim thinks life is happening to them. A responsible leader knows that life is happening for them.

Every day we are faced with threats and challenges, but it’s not what happens to us but our response that shapes our reality. Being responsible means taking ownership for how you want to show up in this world; knowing that you can decide in every moment how you want to feel, think or act. We can choose to be angry, resentful, and judgmental, or we can choose to be curious, open and forgiving. Either way, you decide!

I am a firm believer that life is the sum of all our choices, so choose wisely.

With love and light,


Mishelle Kost